
Showing posts from October, 2011

A sweet comment

I teach English to a couple of our preaching students in the evenings. One night last week, we were talking about what we pray for (using their English). Sokan, one of them, said that he thanks God because he is so very blessed. He said that a couple years ago, he didn't know who God or Jesus was. And now, he is a Christian, he has a wonderful Christian family, he gets to study the Bible everyday and sing songs about God, he has hope. He said "I am very happy". Just wanted all of you who support us to know how special you all are, because without you, we couldn't be here doing this. Much love, Ronda

Great to talk to some of you

The Broken Arrow Church of Christ had their Mission Sunday yesterday. We were able to "attend" via skype. Technology is a wonderful thing! We truly hope that all of you know how much we love you and appreciate you. I know you are a long way away, but we pray you know you are a vital part of the work here. Without you, we couldn't be here working. And it isn't just your money (although, don't get me wrong, that is great!), but also your prayers, your trust, your love for our children, your emails and facebook messages, your offerings of homes, cars, meals, etc when we are in the US, and, of course, your wonderful love. We are truly blessed to be your friends and brothers and sisters. We try diligently to be good stewards of all God through you have given us. Know that we love you all very much! Ronda