
We have concrete!!!

OK.  It may not seem like a big deal to you, but I am so excited!!! These are pictures of the process.  I assumed that they would redo the road in the same order as they tore it up.  But, for some unknown reason, this little strip in front of our house is getting cement FIRST!!   For those of you who have been here, they repaved the road on our side of the temple and behind the temple.  But from there all the way down to us is still dirt and gravel.   Here is all the rebar that they laid.  I missed getting pictures of them painstakingly tying the rebar cross sections together with wire. This is to show you the cliff at our gate. I am standing in the street before the paving begins.  The red tile is our entry.  You can see why we couldn't get our truck out since there is a drop of about 16 inches. These ladies are at the end of the area that will get cement.  They are tying off the ends of the rebar and making sure the board barriers are tied in place. And the cement is coming!!! I

How are we to the end of September already??!!!

I was really trying to blog every week or at least every other week.  How are we now at the end of the month and my last blog was September 7th?  So...catching you up... After Kemchhouy's baptism, Rich decided to teach a chapel lesson on some of the basics about baptism as a reminder.  I was listening, thinking how blessed these kids are to get to listen to Rich.  He explains things so clearly and plainly.  God has put us in just the right place for Rich to use the gifts God has given him to serve.     I had to make a doctor run to Bangkok, Thailand (and let me remind you that is like flying from Tulsa to Dallas).  All is well.   Since I was coming anyway, Rich made the trip over as well for my birthday.  And, of course, was invited to preach at the Soi Somprasong 4 congregation. I thought these flowers were beautiful.  My friend, Gratdae, made this bouquet.  We got to meet with her and her husband, Bhee on Saturday.  Bhee is one of the ministers at Soi 4.  We enjoy getting a few m

Rejoice with us!!! We have a new brother in Christ!

  Much rejoicing!!!  Kemchhouy was baptized!!   Kemchhouy is one of our recent graduates.  He is from Battambang province.  Alone with finishing at CBI, and therefore having a bachelor's degree in Bible, he also graduated with a Electrical Engineering degree and is currently doing an internship. Kemchhouy has a special place in my heart because the entire time he was at CBI, he studied English with me.  He is very smart, kind, and just a great guy!  I was so sad when he graduated from CBI without being baptized.  We talked about it and he said the he knew the information but just needed to think more about it.  I told him that I admired him for counting the cost of being a Christian.  No one in his family are Christians.  Of course, Rich and Khemrin also talked to him many times. He is a special young man.  I really wish you all could get to know him.  Please pray for him to have courage and that his faith might grow.  Pray that he might be a mighty servant of the Lord all his life

End of August Happenings

  We said goodbye to Greg Fleming on August 20th.  This was his 5th trip to Cambodia.   These are our 10 students with him, as well as Khemrin (front left).  Khemrin was Greg's translator. I took my girls (our CBI students) for coffee on the 17th of August.  We just needed a little 'catch-up' time.  From left to right:  Sroy, Sraynu, me, and Teang. And, as I mentioned, new pipes were coming.  Greg left on Tuesday night and they dug a 6foot hole, that was our road, on Thursday. I took this one from the roof so you can see all our wires.  The excavator operator not only had to dig the hole, but then swing around to a dump truck behind him.  In order to do that, he had to avoid all these wires as well as awning of store fronts on both sides.  He was quite talented. This was at the corner, one lot away from us.  There is a street running perpendicular to ours.  They ended up breaking a water pipe and had to do quite a bit of work to get it fixed. This red gate is ours.  I enjoy

At the coast and around town

The Capitol Church of Christ decided to take a trip to Sihanoukville.   We started off with a devotional time.  Rich did a short lesson and we sang and prayed. We probably had around 60 people there.   I failed to get a picture of Rich teaching, but his Facebook page has one that he put up. It was wonderful to enjoy God's beautiful creation with our brothers and sisters.   As for the 'around town' part: I was walking in our neighborhood near one of the public schools and came across this cart. Anyone for fried turtles on the half-shell?  And the top shell is also there.  They even come complete with the heads and feet. Yesterday, on one of our cut-through streets, these roasted ducks were hanging. They are marinated and then hung out to dry.  Usually they are used for celebrations like holidays and weddings. I have seen tuktuks fashioned with a rack that can allow about 16 ducks to hang as they go down the street.  Sadly I haven't been able to get a pictures of those. L