
Showing posts from March, 2009

Not much to tell.

Once again, I am getting behind on my blogging. I guess, we do the same things most days, so not a lot of exciting stuff to tell. Rich is teaching I Timothy right now and I am sitting in for awhile in the mornings, mainly to hear the translating and work on my Khmer language. While I'm there, some days I get to play with Timothy, one of our student's son, so that his mom can get some laundry done, etc. I remember those days. Hot season is coming on and it doesn't take much to get a good sweat going. But along with that comes great fruit. The mangoes are in season and are fantastic. Better get back to studying some Khmer before getting Rich's lunch on. Love to all. Ronda

Our 26th wedding anniversary!

Wednesday was our 26th anniversary. Since Wednesdays are busy, we went out to lunch on Thursday. While there, talking with our waitress, she asked Rich "so, is this your only wife?" That certainly isn't a question that you would get in the US! Then mentioned how lucky I was because he was a good man and I am the only wife. There isn't a lot of multiple wives here, but there is some and it is considered normal. I do have a wonderful husband. And I have been, and am, so blessed that he chose me all those years ago and continues to be the love of my life. Ronda

International Women's Day

Did you know that today is International Women's Day. I guess we, in the US, substitute Mother's Day so don't observe this day. But here, on March 8th, the women take the day off and the men do the cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, etc. I will say that Rich did the dishes today and I got a nice afternoon nap. Tuesday, Rich starts teaching at CBI again. He'll be teaching I and II Timothy and Titus for the next several weeks. We are beginning to see the start of the hot season. Currently, at nearly 10pm, it is about 88 F. But along with the heat comes great fruit that we get to enjoy. And I would rather be hot than cold anyday! Let us hear from you. Save up your money, come see us and let us show you around. Much love, Ronda

How was your week?

For us, it was just a regular week. Rich has one more week before he starts teaching again, so he is doing 2 hours/day at language school until then. Nothing really to say. Just a couple pictures of things here. I love Asia! I love the tropics! I love being warm! And I love you all! Ronda