
Showing posts from August, 2009

New School !!!

We sent Saturday moving everything to the new school location. The first picture is of the old school and loading the truck for the last load of stuff that had to be moved. The 2nd picture is of the new school. We now have 17 students as well as Way, our cook, and Tawn and Navy, Interpreter/Assistant Dean and his wife. This new location has 12 bedrooms and 2 areas that can be used for classrooms. The 3rd picture is of the students and Rich at the new place. We are all hot, dirty and sweaty, but excited for the new facility. As you can tell by the picture, the new place is truly new and all the rails, etc haven't yet been put in place. Pray we use this new facility to God's glory. Ronda

Get together at the PIP house

On Saturday afternoon, we had a get together at the Partners In Progress house. We had about 50 people come for fun, food and fellowship. Rich gave a short devotional thought (1st and 2nd picture). We played musical chairs as well as several other games and ice breakers. A good time was had by all. Ronda

New School Year and New Students

Meet our new students! Back row: Sarawaht, Dalan, and Peeap; Front row: Pahla, Wonnate, and Sohgoon. (And you can see Rich in the background talking to Tawn). So, the 2nd picture is our students for this school year. We are excited about the year. Please continue to pray for both the students and the teachers. On a sad note, Jason leaves tomorrow to head back to the US. Reuben, Rebekah and Jason got to be here some during the summer; it went entirely too fast. Randall didn't get to come this summer and we missed him. Well, we hope your summer went well. Take care and know that we think of you all and love you. Ronda

Another wedding

The first weekend of August brought the wedding of 2 of our students. The first picture is 3 of our students that were in the wedding. It was VERY hot. The only time most Khmers wear suits is for special here are Lee, Sovann, and Pen in their rented suits as they were groomsmen. Chanty and Nika's wedding was a mix of Khmer and Western. Like Khmer weddings, they changed clothes several times (3 times, I think) and wore tons of make up and false eyelashes (well, Nika did anyway). But had a Christian ceremony with Rich doing the "talk"part of the wedding. The last picture is of the bride, Nika and groom, Chanty, along with Chanty's parents. The middle picture is of Jason and Rich at the wedding. Jason has been here since July 30th and leaves in a week. That will be the end of our kids' visits here this summer; it went too fast! But we are excited about our new school year and our new students. Next blog I will show you our students. Much lov...