
Showing posts from November, 2012

Kirirom Waterfalls

Dennis and Sharon Welch arranged to take out students as well as a couple others to Kirirom Waterfalls.  There are actually 3 falls; we just went to the largest one.  As this is the beginning of a vacation week, some of our students opted to go home or had other things to do, but we had 20 people all together. I drove our van and took part of the students.  This first picture is at the beginning of our walk.  The drive to Kirirom is about 2 1/2  to 3 hours long.  Then you part and walk several kilometers to the falls.  And here they are.  It was a beautiful day and we were the only ones there.  To give you a little idea of how tall the falls are, at the bottom of this picture is 2 of our students that are standing behind and to the left of the falls.  The had a great time playing in the water at the bottom of the falls.  The water was COLD!!  It didn't take me too long before I had to get out! This is anoth...

Evangelism Week

 If you have been reading this blog much, you know that we have several Evangelism Weeks each year. During this week, Rich and Dennis divide out the students and each group goes to a village.  So, in the course of the week, they can go to 10 villages. Some of these village are places where there are already churches established and some are new places or places that our students are from. Typically, they leave early in the morning and  drive to the village (this has been prearranged so they know the students are coming)When they get there, they walk down the streets meeting and talking with people and then they meet together a few hours later.  They arrive back in Phnom Penh in the late afternoon. These pictures are just pictures I took in the countryside, so that you can see some of what they are seeing each day. The 2nd picture is of a small city along the highway.  The village that we go to are much smaller and more remote. Much love, Ronda PS. ...

Mark Hooper and Phil Jackson

 We were blessed to have Mark Hooper and Phil Jackson here.  This is Mark's 3rd trip to teach a short course at CBI.  We appreciate the sacrifice of their wives for supporting them in their trip here.  (By the way, Debbie and Rebecca, you will have to come next time!)  While most of Mark's time was spent teaching at CBI, we were able to show Phil different works that are going on here in Cambodia. This first picture is of Rich preaching Sunday morning at the Phnom Penh Congregation.  I thought you might like a picture of him. This is Mark Hooper preaching at the University Church of Christ.  Try translated for him.  Sorry, but I didn't get a picture of Mark teaching at the school. This is Phil Jackson, Mark Hooper and Rich.  This is the day before they left to return to the US.  We enjoyed their visit.  They were an encouragement to our students at CBI as well as to the missionaries here.  We look forward to their ...