Kirirom Waterfalls
Dennis and Sharon Welch arranged to take out students as well as a couple others to Kirirom Waterfalls. There are actually 3 falls; we just went to the largest one. As this is the beginning of a vacation week, some of our students opted to go home or had other things to do, but we had 20 people all together. I drove our van and took part of the students. This first picture is at the beginning of our walk. The drive to Kirirom is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours long. Then you part and walk several kilometers to the falls. And here they are. It was a beautiful day and we were the only ones there. To give you a little idea of how tall the falls are, at the bottom of this picture is 2 of our students that are standing behind and to the left of the falls. The had a great time playing in the water at the bottom of the falls. The water was COLD!! It didn't take me too long before I had to get out! This is anoth...