
Showing posts from July, 2013

Where are they now? - June 2009 Graduates

Sometimes you may wonder where people have gone and what they are doing.  I wanted to flashback to the June 2009 CBI Graduates and catch you up on them. (This was the 2nd graduating class.) CHANTY, seen here teaching a group of children during one of our Evangelism weeks, is currently with Sokhom Hun at a preaching training school.  Chanty has many roles, including teacher, solver of problems, driver, organizer, etc... He (and his wife) continue to help train men who will preach and teach.  VEASNA, seen on my left, helping to translate at Sovan & Sokna's wedding, has worked with the church in a couple of different roles.  He also  started teaching some at CBI. And, he helped out with some translating and with lining up the Evangelism Weeks. In December of last year, he started working full time with CBI as a translator and teacher. He, his wife Linna and their son Timothy, all live at CBI now to help with the students.  He ...

A visit to Batesville

While we were in the US, we also got to take one Sunday and spend it with the sweet people at the North Heights congregation in Batesville, AR.  Unfortunately, I was so busy visiting, that I didn't take any pictures!  But we had a wonderful visit.  We met with the missions committee and Saturday evening.  Then on Sunday morning, Rich spoke during class about our work in Cambodia and then preached from Psalms.  After that, we had a potluck meal that was fantastic!  We didn't eat again that day! The service was very encouraging.  We feel very fortunate that we can be partnered with this congregation that loves the lost in the world.  They are a truly special group of people! Much love, Ronda

Great trip to the US!

We just got back to Cambodia from our trip to the US.  The main purpose for this trip was Rebekah's wedding.  I, Ronda, was able to go in early May so that I could be in Broken Arrow for her wedding shower and then help her get ready.  Rich came early June. This is a picture of our 4 kids:  Randall, Rebekah, Reuben and Jason.  This is the first time we have all been together for 3 years.  It is always wonderful to see their sweet faces and just to laugh together. We also made a trip to Savannah, Georgia where our 2nd son, Randall, and his wife Kassie live.  It has been 3 years since we have seen Randall so this was especially sweet.  We had a great time touring around the Savannah area as well as just chillin' and playing some cards.  They are doing an excellent job and are good Christian examples for those around them.  We are so proud of them.    This is Rich and Rebekah, before he walked her down the aisle.  R...