Rebekah and Evan are here!!!
To catch you up on the school first, Rich finished teaching the book of John and is now teaching on the Christian Family. The students are also studying the Parables of Jesus with Veasna. Rebekah, our daughter, and Evan, our son-in-law, are here visiting for a couple weeks. We were so excited that they were able to come! I think Rebekah has eaten all the foods that she wanted to make sure to eat again and seen most of the places. Last weekend, we were able to go to Sihanoukville on the coast. These pictures are from our boat trip out to some islands. The water out at the island is beautiful. Pictures never do them justice. But, while we were on the 2nd island, we were told that we would have to skip the 3rd one because the storm was moving in. So within a few minutes, the scenery went from the 1st picture to the 2nd one. Due to the boat driver having to make an extra trip to take a couple to another island, then waiting on 4 people wh...