James Glasscock here.

James has been here for nearly 2 weeks now, teaching all day. He is teaching on the History of the Church in Acts. He is giving the final tomorrow. This picture is of James teaching at the University Church of Christ and Try is translating. James was one of our youth group kids in San Angelo, TX. So it is great to see the Christian man and teacher he has become. He is currently preaching at the Early, TX Church of Christ. He and his wife, Tanya have 2 daughters, Emma and Ellie. This is his 2nd trip to Cambodia to teach. We look forward to the time that his family can accompany him as well. Last Saturday, we did the tourist thing and went to the National Museum, pictured here. Most of the museum contains Buddhist statues (or parts of them) and inscribed stone tablets that they have found all over Cambodia. We also went to the Royal Palace. Since the king is in residence, you can't actually see the palace. This is...