Dad and Mom are here!

My parents, Loren and Penny Hollingsworth, are here now. They come every February to help Rich in the school. Dad is teaching Minor Prophets this year. In this picture, he is preaching Sunday morning at the Phnom Penh congregation. He also preached at the Sen Sok congregation in the evening. We are thrilled that he and Mom are here and enjoy getting to spend time with them. They were in Thailand for the last 3 months and will go back to Thailand again for a time before heading back to Alaska. Typically, when they are in Thailand, they spend about a month in different locations so that Dad can teach different groups of people. Since they spent much of their lives in Thailand, the Thais are always excited when they come. They will be here until February 28th. We are grateful that our students get the benefit of learning from Dad. Friday, Dan and Ravy Wilson arrived. (They are on the far right) They have just finished at Sun...