We had a wonderful stateside visit!

As most of you know, we made a trip to the US in the middle of June. Our first stop was to Reuben and Emily's in Richmond, VA. We were there for Rich's birthday as well as Father's Day. Reuben had 3 days of meetings in the DC area. So while he was in meetings, Emily, Rich and I took the Metro into DC and toured around. I really think that after you have lived overseas, our beautiful American flag is even more precious. I took this looking up at the Washington Monument. It was our first time to go to Arlington Cemetery. Thanked God that my dad and my son came back alive. So grateful for the lives represented here. In Houston, we got to meet with some friend. The Bell clan as well as Scott and Abigail Sawyer and Guy Suffridge were all there! Of course, our son Jason was also there. We also managed to take in a Houston Astros game with Jason and Mallory. The Astros won of course. In the Dallas ar...