16th CBI GRADUATION - December 2015

December 11th, we had the 16th Graduation at CBI. 4 young men have finished their studies and move on to continue a life in service to God. It's always a sad and happy time. Happy with what they have accomplished so far and with the promise for the future. Sad as they will be moving on to other places. Graduation is always a time that many graduated students come back to help celebrate. It is so good to see all of them. And, at graduation, our current students lead most of the events. Here are pictures of Somrach leading songs and Khemrin leading prayer. Vanna, who graduated in Feb 2014 was the speaker. He works as a travelling evangelist with the SNACK program. And, he did a great job. Pictured here are all four graduates with the on-site CBI teachers. As you may know, many guest teachers come to teach one or two classes. These students studied under 11 guest teachers, in addition to many classes with the four of us who are on-sit...