Wrapping up February and on to March.

Our students are getting ready for their final tests in I, II Timothy and Titus, from my dad, Loren Hollingsworth; as well as in Characteristics of Jesus taught by Bob Jackson. These first several pictures are of the singing that we have on Thursday nights at the BEST Center. Near the camera are Dad, Mom, and Julie. In this picture, Bob and Sandy Jackson are nearest the camera. Then are Phyllis and Helen and Tom Norris. This is Tom and Helen's 3rd trip and Helen's sister, Phyllis' 2nd trip. As you can see, Phyllis does sign language with the song and that has been a new experience for the Khmers. I am sorry that I didn't get a picture of Bob teaching and a closer picture of Bob and Sandy together. We are grateful for their service and for taking time to come over and teach our students. We have been having about 40 for the meal and singing on Thursday nights. The Khmer Christians love singing! Dad, as I said, has been teaching...