Another month has passed and I haven't blogged. Sorry! In May, Rich wrapped up teaching the book of John. Dan Wilson taught I and II Thessalonians. The students also took a sermon prep class during that month. Then we had an Evangelism week. The students went to a different place each day to talk to people and teach. Some of those days were out in the villages and some days, they were in Phnom Penh. Particularly in Phnom Penh, Rich is trying to get them to build relationships with the people they see each day along the streets. They are always surprised when they walk with us that we speak to all the people along the way that we see each day. So we are trying to encourage that and show them that they can be more effective by knowing the people they are wanting to teach about Christ. For 3 days, we had Paul Pinckley here to teach on Leadership. I am sorry that I didn't get a picture of him teaching. Paul and his wife, Debbie li...