Water Festival -Church Camp 2016

November 13-15 is the annual Water Festival in Cambodia. Over a million people pour into Phnom Penh for the boat races. Each town can enter a team in the boat races. It's really exciting and cool. Here's a picture from the Instead of doing that, as much fun as it is, many from the churches here meet together for church camp. (People have the holidays off, so it makes a good time to gather together.) Here's some of what we did instead of enjoying the Water Festival: This young lady from Siem Reap and Thorng from CBI had their own water festival as they were baptized into Christ and His death so that they could be raised again to a new life. We taught and studied a lot about God's Love for us and showing that love to each other. We worshiped together. We worked and ate together. I think we had the best time at Water Festival. Rich