Scott Keele, Jerry Lundy, John Ward and Alex Mills are here!

On January 6th, Scott Keele and Jerry Lundy from Broken Arrow, OK arrived. This is Scott's 5th trip and Jerry's 2nd. This picture is of Jerry teaching chapel on morning and Rich translating. Scott taught James in the mornings to our students, while Jerry taught I and II Peter in the afternoons. Veasna translated for both of them. (I always forget to get pictures of them teaching their classes! Sorry!) On January 10th, John Ward and Alex Mills from the North Heights congregation in Batesville, Arkansas arrived. This is the first trip to Cambodia for both of them. As Jerry, John and Alex had never been to Siem Reap, we made a quick trip to see the temples there on Saturday, the 13th. Alex and John are showing you how steep the original stairways were at Angkor Wat. This stairway that they are standing beside it quite tall as you can see in the next picture. This is at the top of the inner temple area at Angkor Wat. These are ...