The countryside

I just want to give you an idea of the countryside. But first, on our way out of town, we see this security guard. This is on one of the major street - so noisy! He is dead to the world This is the picture of the front of the store that he is "guarding". You can see him on the right side of the building. Also, we saw this motorcycle a bit farther down the road. You really can't tell how funny this was. We see lots of people on one motorcycle all the time. This woman in yellow is the 3rd adult on this motorcycle. I hope you can tell that she isn't on the seat much and doesn't have any place to put her feet because the woman in front of her has the pedals. What was funny was the woman in the middle has a jacket over her head so that she doesn't get the sun on her (common practice here), but it kept flicking back and hitting the back woman in the face. So, she isn't hardly on the motorcycle and get hit in ...