
Showing posts from July, 2018

I'm so sorry!!!

How has it been almost 2 months since I blogged????  I am so sorry that I haven't kept you up to date. We were incredibly blessed to be able to spend about 5 1/2 weeks in the US with our family and friends.  I took LOTS  of pictures of the grandkids, some pictures of the kids, and, well, none of all the sweet friends that we saw and hugged on.  I won't explode this blog with all the cute pictures of my grandchildren - and they are many - but wanted you to know how blessed we feel to be able to be with so many of you. We got back to Cambodia the night of July 3rd.  (Kind of a bummer that we missed the 4th in the US.)  We are getting back into our routine and work.  Rich will start teaching Sermon Preparation on Monday to our students.  I am trying to get a Women's Ministry started and working to set up a workroom for the women to use to make Bible class material, cards for encouragement, etc.  On that note, if you have Bible class mater...