Parents and Grandbaby

On January 26th my parents, Loren and Penny Hollingsworth, came to Phnom Penh from Thailand. As many of you know, they have been working in Thailand since Sept. 1973. Now, they spend half of the year in Alaska and half on this side of the world. They typically are in Thailand for the months of November through January. Then they come here for the month of February before returning to Thailand for another month. This year, Dad is teaching I and II Thessalonians at CBI. On top of that, he is teaching Sacrificial Systems (and how it relates to Jesus and us as Christians) in the evenings, 3 nights a week, for any of the Christians who want to come. This is Dad, Rich and me, and Mom at the school gate. We are grateful that they are able to come every year and spend time with us, as well as share the gospel and their Christian examples to the Christians here. This is their 12th year to come to Cambodia. They started coming one year...