New Students and Camp

Guest Blogger Rich here, as Ronda is in the USA helping our daughter Rebekah before and after she delivers our new grand-daughter (whose name I know, but can't tell you yet!) Lots of exciting action here. In September, we attended the country wide seminar hosted by the church in Battambong. Ronda posted pics of that, but I wanted you to see it on the map. It's only 300 km=180 miles. It always takes us over 6 hours to get there Late in September, we had a gaggle of new students join our school - CBI. We expected 3-4, but they just kept coming. We have ended up with 12 new students and had to turn away at least 5 more due to lack of room, resources, teachers and money. Wow!! Here is a picture of this class. They studied MARK with Dale Lundy. Many of you know Dale or know of him. His parents are Jim and Betty Lundy. Those Lundys were worshipping at BA when we first moved th...