Odds and Ends

This morning started new classes at CBI. In the mornings, for everyone but Bunthai, Jerry Lundy from Broken Arrow is teaching online. He is teaching the Characteristics of Christ. Rich is teaching Bunthai the books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. Bunthai only lack a couple classes to finish. Then in the afternoons, Bunthai and Mai are studying Work of a Preacher with Rich. This is a stalk of bananas straight off of the school landlord's tree. So incredibly good. I wish you could have the opportunity to eat bananas right off the tree. However, it does make it hard to eat bananas in the US. Saturday, one of the Christian young women got married in Kampong Thom. For those of you that have been here, Kampong Thom is the halfway point to Siem Reap. We decided to go during the day instead of the usual nighttime activities. We left the house at 7:20 am and arrived at 11am. We had rice and soup for lunch and then...