Nation Wide Church Camp

Our nation-wide church camp was Sunday, Nov. 6 through Wednesday morning, Nov. 9th. We had 206 campers;it is the biggest group we have had. We were excited to get to meet together again after missing 2 years due to Covid. Our theme this year was Handling Conflict in the Church. Rich taught opening night. This is a picture of our CBI students with a few extras as we were getting ready to leave CBI for camp. The camp is in Kompong Speu. Due to the new highway, it only took a couple hours to get there. If you notice that everyone has on lanyards. We are in work crews by color. The boys in this picture are two of our students, Buntheoun and Phalim, on food prep. The food lines get long, like every camp! This is CBI students: Sonah, Mai, Gimson, Jenthra, and Srang. Every day there were soccer games during the free time. Here is some of our group getting ready to cheer on (the girls) or play (the boys). They are wea...