Just around town

First let me say 'thank you' to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday. How incredibly blessed I am to have so many sweet people who sent to me. It really made my day! We just finished the Pchum Benh holiday. It would compare somewhat with our Christmas in that most people go back to their villages and spend 3 days with family. It is a buddhist holiday with a lot of ancestor worship as well as going to the temples. Phnom Penh is very quiet during this holiday and it is really nice! No traffic and the noise level is way down. We enjoyed it. But school will resume on Thursday, the 29th. Rich will be teaching World Religions to some of our students. Khemrin will be finishing up teaching Old Testament History to most of the others. I will be teaching Sacrificial Systems (Leviticus) to Sophanmai (we just call her 'Mai'). She doesn't need too many more classes before she graduates and she has already had the other two ...