Our house

I thought since my last post was about our street, I would show you our house. (I don't think I have posted that before). We live in a ផ្ទះល្វេង translated is a 'long house'. Land here is extremely expensive but labor is cheap; so you buy a small plot and build up. Our house is skinny and tall. Each floor has 2 rooms and bathrooms. We'll start at the street. As you can see, our gate sits right on the street. Our street is the main street through the neighborhood. This is the repairman, wearing a motorcycle helmet with face shield, while he welds the new part on the bottom of our gate. (Isn't that regulation eyewear for welding??) You can see our new incline, so that we can get the truck and motorcycle in and out. Before, it was too steep. This is the area between the gate and the "front doors". The doors are accordion style so that we can open them up all up and get the truck out. Also, many Khmers will run so...