Kirirom Waterfalls

Dennis and Sharon Welch arranged to take out students as well as a couple others to Kirirom Waterfalls.  There are actually 3 falls; we just went to the largest one.  As this is the beginning of a vacation week, some of our students opted to go home or had other things to do, but we had 20 people all together.
I drove our van and took part of the students.  This first picture is at the beginning of our walk.  The drive to Kirirom is about 2 1/2  to 3 hours long.  Then you part and walk several kilometers to the falls.
 And here they are.  It was a beautiful day and we were the only ones there.
 To give you a little idea of how tall the falls are, at the bottom of this picture is 2 of our students that are standing behind and to the left of the falls.

 The had a great time playing in the water at the bottom of the falls.  The water was COLD!!  It didn't take me too long before I had to get out!
This is another shot on the walk back from the falls.  They brought lunch to us near where I took this picture.  It always amazes me that God created such a beautiful world for us to enjoy.

For those of you who don't know, Rich didn't go because they found an abnormality in Rich's heart during a stress test.  Sunday evening he flew over to Thailand to do a coronary angiography.
We are thrilled to say that the doctor said his heart if good, arteries are good and no problems.  So that is exciting.

I will have to tell you that although we didn't expect any problems, Rich did tell me he ate a hamburger and french fries Sunday night in Bangkok (they have McDonalds, Burger King, A&W...things we don't have in Cambodia)...he said that if he had a problem with his heart, he might as well go out enjoying a good hamburger!
Anyway, it is all good.  He will be back home tomorrow.
We are incredibly blessed as the church in Bangkok allows us to stay in their apartment at the building, so we don't have to pay for a hotel.  And they take good care of us.  We are grateful to them.

Enjoy God's creation in your area.  Love, Ronda


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