We had an Evangelism week last week. During these weeks, the students are divided into 2 groups - half going with Veasna and half with Rich. Veasna's group went to a different village each day. Rich's group went to Battambang Monday through Wednesday (since it is over a 5 hour drive). Then on Thursday and Friday, they went to a couple different congregations in the city. I was able to go to Battambang as well. So here are some pictures of the Battambang trip. This first picture is of us and the 6 students with us when we stopped to eat along with way outside of the city of Chnang. After arriving at Sokun's house in Battambang, a seller of clams came by, so here is Ponleu and Sothary munching away on clams. Sophea, one of the students that came with us, is from Battambang, so he and another student, Makara, stayed the nights at his house. The rest of us stayed at Sokun's. In fact, Ponleu slept in the hammock that Sothary is sit...