Teachers in February

 We were blessed to have Bob and Sandy Jackson as well as my parents, Loren and Penny Hollingsworth with us in February.

This is Bob Jackson teaching and Try translating.  Bob taught
 II Corinthians to our students for 2 weeks.

I hate that I didn't get a picture of Sandy and a better picture of Bob (we even talked about it and still didn't do it!).  But we hope they enjoyed their stay and know how grateful we are that they are willing to come and share their talents and God's Word with our students.
 Also Dad and Mom were here for the month of February.  Dad taught Minor Prophets.  We, of course, always enjoy with time we get to spend with them. Now I have to go back to washing dishes, as Mom does them the entire time she is here.  Ha!
They are now in Phuket, Thailand teaching there.
Truly I cannot put into words how incredibly wonderful my life has been because they are my parents.  God blessed me richly by allowing me to be born into their family.
Now, we are into March.  This month starts off with an Evangelism Week.  Rich and I and half of our students will be going to Battambang province Monday through Wednesday, while the other half of the students will be going to different closer villages with Veasna.
Then Thursday and Friday, the Evangelism week will continue to other places.
We are excited that our friend Cherie Creech will be here on Friday.  She and her husband, Terry, have been terrific supporters of us, as well as great friends.  We are excited to show her around Phnom Penh for the short time she is here.
Also, Stephanie West, one of the girls in our youth group a few (?) years ago, will be coming as Cherie is leaving.  We love getting to show people around Cambodia so they experience it and see how sweet the people here are first hand.
Please pray for all the travels of those mentioned above as well as our students and graduates.
Much love,
PS. Oh! and our 32nd anniversary is this month as well!!!


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