Jerry Lundy Visits

Jerry Lundy made his 3rd trip to Cambodia.  For those of you that don't know him, he is a friend of ours from Broken Arrow and is now one of the elders at the Broken Arrow Church of Christ. 

We enjoyed the time we got to visit and catch up on many of our friends.  As the power is getting cut off at the house 3-5 hours everyday (rotating mornings one day, afternoons the next day), we decided to take a break and "run over" to Thailand.  Jerry had never been to Thailand, so he treated us to a trip.  We only had one weekend, so we didn't have a lot of time, but I think he enjoyed it.
Jerry taught Galatians at the school.  He also managed to get in a little soccer time with our students and kids from the BEST Center.
He had come in January before, which is also our coolest time.  This is our hot season.  However, we had a pretty mild start to our hot season, so it was several degrees cooler than it is now. 
Last night at 9pm, the heat index was 105.  When there is no power, so not even a fan, it is quite hot in the afternoons! 

 Also, in April, some of the members of the University Church of Christ made a trip to Pursat to encourage the Christians there.  Pursat is a newer development; the government offered plots of land there at a reduced price a couple years ago.  Nuon, on the left, and Piset decided to move out there and start a church.

This is Nuon and Dara.
 Services at Pursat.

I don't want this post to be too long, so I will post about the Thai Church Camp that Rich and I taught at on the next blog.

Please keep the work here in your prayers. 

Much love,


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