How are we to the end of September already??!!!

I was really trying to blog every week or at least every other week.  How are we now at the end of the month and my last blog was September 7th?  So...catching you up...

After Kemchhouy's baptism, Rich decided to teach a chapel lesson on some of the basics about baptism as a reminder.  I was listening, thinking how blessed these kids are to get to listen to Rich.  He explains things so clearly and plainly.  God has put us in just the right place for Rich to use the gifts God has given him to serve.  


I had to make a doctor run to Bangkok, Thailand (and let me remind you that is like flying from Tulsa to Dallas).  All is well.  

Since I was coming anyway, Rich made the trip over as well for my birthday.  And, of course, was invited to preach at the Soi Somprasong 4 congregation.

I thought these flowers were beautiful.  My friend, Gratdae, made this bouquet.  We got to meet with her and her husband, Bhee on Saturday.  Bhee is one of the ministers at Soi 4.  We enjoy getting a few minutes to visit with them and have spiritual conversations.

This is just part of the assembly on Sunday.  I wish you all could hear them sing.  It is truly glorious!!  It was such an encouragement to us.
This is Rich preaching and Glome translating.  Glome is another one of the ministers there.  

We have so many sweet friends in this congregation and it is always a blessing to get to worship with them.

On a side note, when I am in Bangkok, I usually walk from the church building, where we stay, to the hospital.  This billboard sits right at the crossover that I go across.  It gives the drivers road information.

I just noticed last time the base of this billboard.
The base is a truck!  The truck has been parked for some time and obviously isn't going anywhere.  No sense in building a big sign pole with bracings, when you can just use a truck!

Here are a couple pictures of our September Ladies Night on the 21st.

Avy gave the devotional talk.  She did a great job of reminding the girls to be brave and stand strong.  
In Cambodia, this week is one of the major holidays, Pchum Benh.  It is a Buddhist holiday that, for Buddhist, they burn incense, make food, and burn fake money.  This is how they worship their ancestors and give them food and money.  Day #2 is going to the temples and worshipping there and giving gifts to the monks.  Then, Day #3 is family time.
It would compare to our Thanksgiving or Christmas times in being special family time.  

So these new Christians are going home - to homes that are Buddhist. Their families will expect them to join in with all of the activities.   Avy reminded them that it is very hard, but that God is with them and we are all available for each other.  

Please keep them and the other Christians here in your prayers as they work to stand strong in their faith and be the Light to their families.
I also got to meet with some of my CBI girls.  3 are current students and 3 are students that just graduated and are working in the city.  

Please pray that we will know how to keep encouraging our students, especially after they have left the school.  Many of them work 6 or 7 days a week and for long hours each day.  We have a hard time being able to meet with them. 

September 24th and 25th were our Graduate Meetings.  We had 18 of our graduates come.  The theme was Parables from Luke.

I love getting to hear our graduates teach.  I remember when they started school at CBI and were so scared when they taught.  Now they teach so well.  They also do a great job encouraging our current students in the Lord.

I didn't get all of their pictures.  
Kakada taught first.  This is Piset.  He taught 2nd.  Kakada and Piset work together in their village.  They both finished at CBI in 2013.

Soklee taught 3rd on Tuesday. He works with Sokun in Battambang Province.
On Wednesday, Try (pronounced 'tree') taught, as well as Borey and Rich.

Borey also taught on Thursday morning to our students on his work in the village.  He finished at CBI in 2012.

He works for years with only his mom and uncle as converts.  But he was diligent and today, there is a good sized congregation there. 

The Lavender Road Church of Christ in Singapore have partnered with him as well.  They come every 2 or 3 months for a weekend.  They work especially with the high school kids in his congregation.  They help support several of those kids to be able to come to Phnom Penh and attend university.  I think we have 8 young people in the Phnom Penh church who came from Borey's congregation.

Borey kept asking us when we were coming back out to his village to see him and his family.  Between the school every weekday and 2 congregations on Sunday, there isn't a lot of free time!  
Of course, we have to have our game night.  This time it was Uno.  They are VERY noisy and have a great time.

Khemrin organized the Bible game that was played on Tuesday afternoon. 

 Kakada, Limang and Jenthra were the winners.

As I told you, we have the Pchum Benh Holiday now.  School is out until October 15th.  

Again, please keep our students and the Christians here in your prayers especially at this challenging time.

Much love,


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