
Showing posts from February, 2009

Things are different here.

On our way to the stadium to run/walk the stairs on Monday, I saw a sight that seemed so funny to me. (Naturally, I didn't have the camera so am just using an old picture.) Anyway, as we were approaching an intersection, I looked up to notice that we had the green light... and all I could see were motos and car driving through the intersection - that had the red light! You would have thought that they had a green light. Here, a red light is more like our stop signs. If there isn't anyone coming, or it's early morning, the red light doesn't apply. Sorry I didn't have the camera. Hope you all are doing well. Much love, Ronda

Meeting in the Countryside

I don't remember if I told you or not, but the first weekend in February, several of the village came together for an all day meeting. There were several speakers in the morning, then lunch and 3 more speakers. Here are pictures of some of the cute girls that were there, along with a picture of Rich teaching and Tawn translating. Rich, of course, did a good job of teaching, as well as asking questions and encouraging participation of the audience. Tawn taught the hour before Rich as well as translated for Rich's lesson. It was a nice day of fellowship. Scott Keele, who was here from Broken Arrow for the past 2 weeks, should be back home now. We appreciated his teaching to the students as well as allowing Rich to spend more time studying language. Much love, Ronda


How are all of you? Really don't have anything new to say or exciting to tell you. Scott Keele has been here one week teaching at the school and has another one. Today, we took him to a couple markets and driving around town. I think he enjoys the traffic. Our "winter" is almost over and it is starting to warm up some. April is the hottest month here so we have a little while before it gets steamy. Cambodia is such a wonderful place! We would love to share it with you. Much love, Ronda