Things are different here.
On our way to the stadium to run/walk the stairs 
on Monday, I saw a sight that seemed so funny to me. (Naturally, I didn't have the camera so am just using an old picture.)
Anyway, as we were approaching an intersection, I looked up to notice that we had the green light... and all I could see were motos and car driving through the intersection - that had the red light! You would have thought that they had a green light. Here, a red light is more like our stop signs. If there isn't anyone coming, or it's early morning, the red light doesn't apply. Sorry I didn't have the camera.
Hope you all are doing well. Much love, Ronda

on Monday, I saw a sight that seemed so funny to me. (Naturally, I didn't have the camera so am just using an old picture.)
Anyway, as we were approaching an intersection, I looked up to notice that we had the green light... and all I could see were motos and car driving through the intersection - that had the red light! You would have thought that they had a green light. Here, a red light is more like our stop signs. If there isn't anyone coming, or it's early morning, the red light doesn't apply. Sorry I didn't have the camera.
Hope you all are doing well. Much love, Ronda