Soporn's wedding

Soporn helps me in the house. And, she decided that she would rather get married than to continue to help me. Can you imagine?? Anyway, EARLY Monday morning (I am talking 6am), Rich and I hop on the motorcycle (I am riding sidesaddled since I am in a long Khmer style skirt) and take off for Soporn's wedding. We arrived after much traffic, dirt, potholes, and one wrong turn. This is what the front of the area looked like. Her house is toward the other end. When they have a wedding, they block off their neighbor's houses with a tent for the event - usually for an entire day. Once all the family members and close friends arrive, we all line up in a processional that starts down the street, and we walk back, in pairs, to the wedding place. This is the groom and his parents in the front . If you spot Rich, you can see that the photographer put us just behind the groomsmen, in front of the grandmothers. We tried to move to the back, but they ...