Odds and Ends

These are two of our newest students. The one on the left is Cheanreas. He is 21 and from Takeo province. He is quieter but studies hard. On the right is our newest student, Sophea. He is 27 and from Battambang. He gave his first chapel talk today over Ephesians 6:1-9 and did a great job. He is a very good student and asks a lot of questions. As Rich told you in the previous blog, my parents, Loren and Penny Hollingsworth, are here for the month of February. They have been in Thailand teaching for the last 3 months and will return to Thailand for Dad to teach another month in Chiang Mai before returning to Alaska. Veasna is translating for Dad at the school. This is Try translating for him at the University congregation. (And I will not make any derogatory remarks about my mom, unlike Rich). The students think that Dad talks very fast and is hard to keep up with. We keep telling them to be grateful that they are...