First is a picture of several of our students holding the books translated into Khmer. Why show the picture? Because the three guys on the right will graduate February 28th. PISETH, ROTHA and VANNA have been at CBI a little over two years. Piseth (center) hopes to go back to his home village to start a church and help with another congregation. Rotha is not sure yet what he will do. Vanna (far right), plans to marry and live in Phnom Penh.
Secondly, the books pictured are books many of you helped to have translated into Khmer. On the left are the book and study guide of the LIFE OF CHRIST. In the middle is the study guide for HISTORICAL CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. On the right are the book and study guide for PAID IN FULL (ROMANS). We are currently having the Sunset book and study guide on ACTS translated into Khmer. All the funds for that are not in place yet, but God continues to bless us.
Next, you should know that my in-laws are here. (Keep me in mind as my mother-in-law persecutes me without mercy. Ha, I'll really catch it when she reads this.) Loren is teaching 1st, 2nd & 3rd John. It's always a joy and encouragement to have them here.
And, we are excited to tell you that Tray Kim Try, June 2010 CBI Graduate, just taught his first series of classes at CBI. Try has translated several times before, but has not taught at CBI. Try works as the preacher at the University congregation. He taught Characteristics of Jesus to our students.
Finally, Sovan, Dec 2010 Graduate, came to visit the University congregation. Sovan has worked with the church planted in Saing for 3 years. The University congregation here in Phnom Penh provides 1/2 his salary. Last Sunday, we asked him to come preach and report on his work.
Sovan brought 5 young people with him. They led most of the worship (songs, communion, etc...) and did a great job. Afterwards, we all ate together. After that, we had the joy of seeing one of his students, a 14 year old girl, give her life to Jesus Christ through baptism. It was a great day.