Our students

A quick update on our students. From left to right is: Ratanak, Bunthai, Sophanmai, Leak, and Matthew (pronounced Matthei in Khmer). Ratanak started at CBI in September with another student Soma. However, Soma went home to do 12th grade over again when he didn't pass the Exit Exam. Ratanak is a little quieter and keeps a lot of thought to himself. He is doing well. Bunthai has been at the school for about a year. He is really starting to understand and teaches well. He has not been baptized yet because, according to him, he wants to make sure that he understands more before making a committment to the Lord. Sophanmai, or Mai (pronounced My-ee) is 18 years old. She is from Battambang province, in the village where 2 of our graduates work. She has some Bible knowledge and is quite sharp. She really enjoys getting better grades on the quizzes than the boys do! Leak is our oldest student. He has been at the school for 2 years. He ...