Family visits and Graduate Meeting
New Years Day marked 6 weeks since my mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. I am doing great! I told my doctor about 5 times that I had people all over the world praying for me and for him. It was very humbling and very very uplifting to know that so many people went to our Almighty God in my behalf. Thank you all so very much!
Rich's mom, Glenda Dolan came for a month visit. She had planned the visit since the summer. The trip obviously was different than what she had envisioned, but she was a great help to us. She arrived the day after I got out of the hospital and left Dec. 26th.
Our daughter, Rebekah, and her husband, Evan and son, Jack came to visit and help out. Of course, Jack had to ride the motorcycle! (Well, he really just rode it in the gate.)
This is the day that Glenda left to fly back to Midland, TX. (Reuben, our 3rd son, had just called on skype, so I was talking to him and decided to include him in the picture.)
Too quickly, it was time for Rebekah, Evan, and Jack to go home as well. It was great having them here. It is really hard not to lift all that cuteness when he looks at you with those big pleading eyes (I am not supposed to lift more than 7 kilos right now)! I may have cheated a time or two.
On December 31st, both congregations had parties, so this is a picture of the first party that we went to. This was at the Phnom Penh Church of Christ building. We have just moved to a new location, so a fun way to "break in" the building.
Then we went to the party with the University Church group. I didn't get a picture there, but there were brothers and sisters from Siem Reap and Battambang there as well.
On January 3rd and 4th, we had Graduate Meetings. Each morning 3 graduates taught. The theme was "Being a Good Neighbor". The text was the book of James.
We started each day with about 45 minutes of singing that was wonderful!
Sochea taught on James 1:17. He taught about all good things come from God and the best of those things are spiritual. He talked about the gifts/talents that God has given each of us and that we are to use them to His glory.
He also talked about the faithfulness and unchanging nature of God.
Kakada then taught on James 1:19-25.
He taught about how we need to rule over our mouths. To really listen and take time before we speak. He taught that we are Christians and need to be examples to others of good speech.
He also talked about being doers of the Word; that it isn't good enough to know the Bible, but we must DO it.
Piset taught then on James 2. (I didn't get his picture).
He taught on truly loving all others, not just those that can help you or that look right. He also mentioned that our faith and love has to have action. It does no good to say you love others if you do nothing.
Thursday afternoon, they played Bible games and enjoyed being together.
Sokun started off the teaching on Friday morning with a lesson from James 3.
He taught about the tongues and the comparisons that James made to a ship's rudder, a horse's bridle and fire. Then he compared the bad ways that the tongue is used with the good ways that we need to be using our tongues and speech.
Rong taught next on James 5:7-11. He talked about that we are to try very hard to do the right things and be good examples. He taught about how important patience is in our life and dealings with other people. That if we are patient with them and treat others well, even if they treat us poorly, that they will see our examples and we can share our hope with them.
He taught that we need to be careful about not grumbling or complaining, because again, we are examples and people will notice if we are not happy and complain all the time.
And he taught that we must endure. Christ was the ultimate example of that; the example of Job is given in these verses; and with patience, we can endure.
Nuon finished the teaching with a lesson on James 5:1-6.
He talked about the dangers of loving and wanting possessions. He talked to the other preachers and our students about being careful that they are doing this work for the right reason; not for the money or what they might receive. That there are many temptations with possessions and "things"; and we must be careful that doesn't become a priority.
All the lessons were very good (I gave you a very brief summary of them). It is wonderful to see these men teaching and remembering the difference from when they first came to the school.
Friday afternoon they had a sessions discussing their different works - the good and the problems. Trying to encourage each other and learn from each other.
Then Friday night we had our Pizza/Bunco night that is just fun! We hope that they were all encouraged as we were.
Classes will begin normally again on Monday. Rich is teaching the book of Luke and Veasna is teaching on the Characteristics of Jesus.
Thank you all again for your prayers - for me and also for the work and people here. What a blessing it has been to be able to be your "feet" working here. Please continue to pray for the Christians here - that their faith grow and that they can stand strong for the Lord. Also pray for God to send us students who's hearts are open to study and growing in God's Word and living for Him.
Much love,
Rich's mom, Glenda Dolan came for a month visit. She had planned the visit since the summer. The trip obviously was different than what she had envisioned, but she was a great help to us. She arrived the day after I got out of the hospital and left Dec. 26th.
Our daughter, Rebekah, and her husband, Evan and son, Jack came to visit and help out. Of course, Jack had to ride the motorcycle! (Well, he really just rode it in the gate.)
This is the day that Glenda left to fly back to Midland, TX. (Reuben, our 3rd son, had just called on skype, so I was talking to him and decided to include him in the picture.)
Too quickly, it was time for Rebekah, Evan, and Jack to go home as well. It was great having them here. It is really hard not to lift all that cuteness when he looks at you with those big pleading eyes (I am not supposed to lift more than 7 kilos right now)! I may have cheated a time or two.
On December 31st, both congregations had parties, so this is a picture of the first party that we went to. This was at the Phnom Penh Church of Christ building. We have just moved to a new location, so a fun way to "break in" the building.
Then we went to the party with the University Church group. I didn't get a picture there, but there were brothers and sisters from Siem Reap and Battambang there as well.
On January 3rd and 4th, we had Graduate Meetings. Each morning 3 graduates taught. The theme was "Being a Good Neighbor". The text was the book of James.
We started each day with about 45 minutes of singing that was wonderful!
Sochea taught on James 1:17. He taught about all good things come from God and the best of those things are spiritual. He talked about the gifts/talents that God has given each of us and that we are to use them to His glory.
He also talked about the faithfulness and unchanging nature of God.
Kakada then taught on James 1:19-25.
He taught about how we need to rule over our mouths. To really listen and take time before we speak. He taught that we are Christians and need to be examples to others of good speech.
He also talked about being doers of the Word; that it isn't good enough to know the Bible, but we must DO it.
Piset taught then on James 2. (I didn't get his picture).
He taught on truly loving all others, not just those that can help you or that look right. He also mentioned that our faith and love has to have action. It does no good to say you love others if you do nothing.
Thursday afternoon, they played Bible games and enjoyed being together.
Sokun started off the teaching on Friday morning with a lesson from James 3.
He taught about the tongues and the comparisons that James made to a ship's rudder, a horse's bridle and fire. Then he compared the bad ways that the tongue is used with the good ways that we need to be using our tongues and speech.
Rong taught next on James 5:7-11. He talked about that we are to try very hard to do the right things and be good examples. He taught about how important patience is in our life and dealings with other people. That if we are patient with them and treat others well, even if they treat us poorly, that they will see our examples and we can share our hope with them.
He taught that we need to be careful about not grumbling or complaining, because again, we are examples and people will notice if we are not happy and complain all the time.
And he taught that we must endure. Christ was the ultimate example of that; the example of Job is given in these verses; and with patience, we can endure.
Nuon finished the teaching with a lesson on James 5:1-6.
He talked about the dangers of loving and wanting possessions. He talked to the other preachers and our students about being careful that they are doing this work for the right reason; not for the money or what they might receive. That there are many temptations with possessions and "things"; and we must be careful that doesn't become a priority.
All the lessons were very good (I gave you a very brief summary of them). It is wonderful to see these men teaching and remembering the difference from when they first came to the school.
Friday afternoon they had a sessions discussing their different works - the good and the problems. Trying to encourage each other and learn from each other.
Then Friday night we had our Pizza/Bunco night that is just fun! We hope that they were all encouraged as we were.
Classes will begin normally again on Monday. Rich is teaching the book of Luke and Veasna is teaching on the Characteristics of Jesus.
Thank you all again for your prayers - for me and also for the work and people here. What a blessing it has been to be able to be your "feet" working here. Please continue to pray for the Christians here - that their faith grow and that they can stand strong for the Lord. Also pray for God to send us students who's hearts are open to study and growing in God's Word and living for Him.
Much love,