A lot going on.

Since I wrote last, we have been busy with many different things, on top of the regular day to day things. During this 2 weeks between Jerry Lundy leaving and Dad coming, Rich is teaching the newer 13 students a course on Old Testament Survey. Then, in the afternoons, he was teaching the 3 older kids the last part of Jeremiah (that he started before Jerry came) and now is teaching New Testament Greek. Of course, he also continues to teach the lesson a couple times a week during chapel and preaches or teaches several times a month at either of the two congregations that we attend. This picture is of some of the group eating during a fellowship meal at the University Church of Christ. This is just a picture I took because I thought some of you might be interested. This is the back side of the post office. Don't you love our electrical system? On the 15th, Rich and I along with my sister, Julie went to the US Embassy for a Town Hall Meeting w...