Enjoying our Guests!

I have been trying to blog for about a week now, but couldn't get my pictures to load off my phone. So, finally, it worked! My parents, Loren and Penny Hollingsworth are here. They come every year for the month of February. This is their 14th year to come; they came a year before we did. Dad is teaching I Corinthians at CBI this year. He is also teaching the book of Hebrews on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights for this month. Our niece, Sierra Hollingsworth and 2 of her friends came on Feb. 4th. They all are nurses at the Mayo Clinic. They flew out last night. We enjoyed their visit very much. These first 2 pictures are of Rabbit Island. My sister, Julie, and I took Sierra, Ashley, and Emily along with Tom and Helen Norris (for you BA people, Eric Norris' parents) for a quick 2 days trip. The beach is always a good place to be! This is a picture of Sierra, Emily and Ashley. Sierra and her s...