Almonds Mixed Anchovy

Hello! I hope you all are doing well. I just wanted to update you a bit. But first, a couple funny things I saw. These Almonds Mixed Anchovy are "Buy 1 Get 1". Is it any wonder?? And no, I didn't buy them even if they are on sale. Because our plumbing pipes are small here, you don't flush the toilet paper down the toilet in many public restrooms. Most of those bathrooms have some kind of sign making sure that you don't flush any paper. I always appreciate those with a little more creativity! I took this picture of part of our students. It was during chapel; and you can only see about half of the students. To update you, Rich is teaching a class called Major Biblical Doctrines. It is primarily about helping them understand God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. Lek has now finished his studies. Bunthai has just a few more classes to go. Rich plans to wait until Bunthai can graduate ...