A nice break

Rich gave his final on Thursday, Sept 10th at CBI. As the next week is one of the major holidays here in Cambodia, we had a some time to relax at the beach. This first picture is from the beach area looking north. Probably only about 2 of those tall buildings were there 2 1/2 years ago. The Chinese came in (the government sold the land to them) and set up casinos. However, now the laws have been changed and there is no online gambling, so many of these buildings are sitting empty and/or half built. It has been really difficult on the Khmers that live here. But as much as people mess up the land, we were able to enjoy God's handiwork in the sunsets. Since there are no tourist visas being given now, there are...yes, you guessed it...no tourists! Which is really nice for us. (Not good for the Khmers however). We got to enjoy several days on the beach, just relaxing, swimming and watching the storms roll in. This ...