Our US Trip schedule

I will get to our US schedule, but first I wanted to let you know about the Camp Chaam in Thailand. The theme this year was Face To Face. It centered on how Biblical people reacted when they came face to face with God and applying those examples to our lives. Men like Moses, Elijah, Daniel, etc. Rich taught the adult classes on Habakkuk. The camp from from the night of April 12 through the night of April 15th, with most people leaving the morning of the 16th. Rich taught each morning for an hour right before lunch. He got a couple comments on how he was a good one to teach right before lunch, when everyone was getting hungry, because he was easy to listen to. Glome, one of the ministers at the Soi Somprasong 4 congregation in Bangkok was his translator. This is the congregation that I grew up in. Camp Chaam is during the Thai New Year, which is also the Khmer New Year, so CBI is out. This year, we took Khemrin, Navy, and their...