Loren Hollingsworth

As many of you know, my dad, Loren Hollingsworth, got to meet his Lord face to face on April 7th.  He fought the good fight and he finished the course.  Praise God for His perfect promises!

The last blog I wrote said that my parents arrived in Phnom Penh the day before; that was Feb. 1st.  Dad was to teach for 2 weeks at CBI and then just have the other 2 weeks in Cambodia to rest, visit with us, and study for the next classes he was teaching in Thailand when they returned.  God had a better plan.

Dad taught the first week at CBI.  Then Saturday, Feb. 10th, he had a series of mini strokes while we were out eating.  He ended up in ICU in Phnom Penh for 4 days and then back at our house for 5 days to make sure he could fly.  The doctor would only let him make the 1 hour flight to Thailand to see doctors there (instead of 30 plus hours of flying back to the US).  

Dad, Mom and I came to Bangkok on Feb. 19th.  During the 3 1/2 weeks we were there, Dad was in the hospital 2 more times.  His decline was very fast; another blessing from God.  The Christians in Thailand were amazing!  Their kindness and love for my parents flowed out in so many ways.  As my parents moved to Thailand in 1973; their 50+ years have made a huge impact to many all over the country.  

Mom and I made the decision to return to Cambodia on March 14th.  There, Dad and Mom could be at our house.  We would have the extra help of Rich and my sister, Julie, who also lives in Cambodia.  Dad continued to decline and it was obvious that God was about ready to call him home.  My brother, Troy, flew in on March 24th.  My other sister, Kim, was unable to come as her daughter Molly is getting married this Saturday.

On Sunday evening, April 7th, after our family worship service in the room, Dad began to breath heavy.  At 10:35pm, God took him home.  Ps. 116:15 says "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones."  

The future plans are undecided at this time.  My dad's body was cremated this morning in Phnom Penh.  Due to this being the Khmer New Year, a big holiday in Cambodia, the final documentation needed might take awhile to complete.  Once we have received everything from the Cambodian government and the US Embassy, Julie or I will go with Mom back to the US.

This is also the Thai New Year, the Thai Church camp starts on Friday night.  Rich is teaching the book of Habakkuk and his response to God.  Khemrin and Navy will also be attending.  We wanted Khemrin to get an idea of what the church in Cambodia can be like in the future.  

Our CBI students' last day of school of the 9th and we will resume classes on April 22nd.  Thank you all for your constant prayers for us and the work here.  Continue to pray for our students and the Christians in this place; that they might grow stronger and glorify God.

Much love,



Julie Goin said…
Praying for y’all
JamesG3 said…
There is something beautiful in his being cared for by his Thai brothers and sisters in his last days on earth. Glad you got to be there together.

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