Flooding in Battambang

Sokun and Soklee are 2 of our students who are working in a village in Battambang. We are incredibly proud of the work they have done for the past few years. They are very active in their community. They did a lot of teaching and helping during Covid. The church there is growing. They have a wonderful reputation among the people there. When we were there last, several people let me know how much they are doing for their village as well as being leaders in the church. They have classes for all ages of kids. Every Friday night, a group of teenagers meet at Sokun's and sing for an hour or so as well. Sokun is now the village chief. All the villages, even the areas in Phnom Penh, have a village chief that takes care of the needs of the village, etc. I sent to Sokun a few days ago after I saw his post about the flooding, and asked if, on top of prayers, they had particular needs. He told me food and fresh water. This is...