Landlord's Party

This past weekend, our landlord had a mother's birthday / housewarming parties at the house. He had the house built and it is divided down the middle with his family living on one side and we are on the other. Our front courtyard,however, is not divided although we each have a gate. So Saturday morning early, about 20 or so family members from the province came in and began to work on setting up, decorations, shrines, etc. These sweet little old ladies from villages came in and looked in our windows (they were open) and smiled with beetlenut-rotted out-teeth smiles. Not being here before, they didn't realize that they were on 'our' side of the house, so one came in the back door and went into the bathroom. You should have seen the look on Rich's face(he was getting something out of the refrigerator)!! The first picture i s the traditional khmer instruments that were played for the mother's birthday party. It was a Buddhist party with the monks blessing her and ...