Trip to the Zoo

The first picture is our van just before taking off. We put 19 people in the van and headed south. It is obvious that the funding is a little different between this zoo and the ones you are used to! There were a lot of monkeys - they are easy to come by here!
After we walked around and looked at most of the animals, we ate lunch. Navy, Tawn's wife, cooked some food and brought some more to feed everyone. There were people who would

Hopefully you can see all the hammocks in this picture. They are in between every pole and you just find a free one and relax while you're waiting for lunch.
I think in the last picture you can see that we ate on a boarded slab that is about 2 -3 ft off the ground. Then they just spread the food all out, sit or squat and have at it! I didn't get pictures of this food, but we had a couple different kinds of fish (fresh water) and well as vegetables to eat with the rice. Navy did a great job and everyone had plenty.
Then we did manage to use some of the hammocks for a few minutes before leaving for town. It was a very enjoyable trip and we had a

We hope the New Year is going well for all of you. Ken and Jean Fox are here staying with us now. Ken is giving the students a class on preaching that will go through next week and then he will teach the Sermon on the Mount in the mornings, while Rich will teach Jeremiah in the afternoons.
Congregational lunch tomorrow, so I need to get some food made. We love you all! Ronda