The Bayon temple - guardian faces

Temple tour #2 - This is the guardian temple, The Bayon. It was built around 1200 with additions later by subsequent rulers. On every tower, there are faces. Most towers have 4 faces facing each direction. It is like a maze through the temple with 3 levels. And everywhere you look are faces. Today there are 37 towers standing; originally there were 49. Unfortunately, because of the stone, the pictures I took of the entire temple, make it impossible to see all the faces. So I chose those that were closer. You really will have to come see it; it is amazing. This was probably my favorite as every doorway and opening led you to another face. And to know that they were carved so long ago. The picture with Rebekah I took not only for the large carvings, but hopefully you can see that above and below the large carvings are tiny carvings that cover the rest of the pillar. I can't imagine the time these temples took. Hopefully, if you aren't into temples or history, I am making these a...