The Party - part II

The 2nd picture is our courtyard looking from our side to our landlord's side. It is quite an ordeal. And they like their parties! They get very dressed up and have tons of food and loud music!
As I am writing this, I can hear monks chanting

at another party of some sort a few street away. Anyway, the party started at 4:30 pm but we didn't get there from church services until nearly 8pm. They have long parties and people feel free to come and go.
Almost all of the women were in very fancy dresses, as you can see by the picture of the 2 girls. This is also the only time they wear makeup and they cake it on! Some had false eyelashes! In the picture of the 2 girls, this is their dancing. They go around a table with small feet and arm motions. It is very graceful. The guys jazz it up a little and not nearly so graceful.
The other picture is of the man singer (in the gold jacket) and then the guy in the striped shirt is

singing karoke. They are standing on our front porch as it was the band stage. Again, 4 huge speakers so that the entire neighborhood could 'enjoy' it. It was fun but we were glad that we weren't able to be there at 4:30; that would have been a little long.
They were all incredible nice and wanted to make sure we enjoyed ourselves. It was a great experience, but we are glad that we don't have one every weekend!
Tomorrow we are having the students for dinner and some singing, then Sunday is a congregational meal. Also, this weekend, we get to work on tax can never move far enough to get away from that! We love you all! Ronda
