Those Miserable Corpses!!!!!

Hang with me and you'll see what I mean. Loren and Penny Hollingsworth (Ronda's parents) are here for the next 6 weeks. Of course, they are staying with us. (But they are not the miserable corpses.) Loren is teaching Minor Prophets in the morning (3 hours) and The Preacher and his Work in the afternoon (2 hours). It's a killer schedule for him. But, being a missionary for 35 years in Thailand, he is a great one to teach both the classes. I'm am thrilled that he can do it. And, it allows me to do some planning, but mostly to really focus on the language. The sooner we can master the language, the better it will be for the work here.
Now, to the picture. We first took this a couple of weeks after we moved here. It is very near to our house. Our first guess was that it was bad translation; that the meaning was "we help the poor" or something like that. No, that's not it. It is really a funeral home. We've gotten to "enjoy" the music of several Khmer funerals. And, we've discovered that the Khmer people celebrate the anniversary of the funeral many times (30 days, 100 days, 1 year, etc...)
One of my friends at Sunset suggested that this picture really fits the work here:
“And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now in the sons of disobedience… by nature children of wrath…” (Eph.2:1-3, ESV) -- Rich