Stolen - Rich's Version

First, you should know that we have two locks on our gates. Usually both of those are in place, if not locked. We share a courtyard area with our neighbor (who is also our landlord). So, a couple of weeks ago, while the Jerry and Mary Alice Cantrell were with us, we had some thiefs get into our courtyard during the afternoon. They stole Jerry's tennis shoes and Rebekah's motorcycle helmet out of our garage. They also stole a pair of shoes out of our neighbor's garage. Just so you know, our garage is not like one in the U.S. The front windows of our living room open up into the garage. The best we can tell, the thefts occurred in the afternoon, between 2-4 p.m., while there were people in our house and in our neighbors house. The neighbor lady happened to see someone in the courtyard while she was in the bathroom. She hollered and chased them off. The thiefs were on a bicycle. She said she wondered why one of them was wearing a moto helmet to ride a bicycle.
After that, we were extremely cautious about making sure the gates were locked or at least had a lock in place so that it was not easily opened. Saturday, April 26th, Ronda and Rebekah used the moto to go out. They were back about 10:15 a.m. At 10:30 a.m, we all went out in the van. We came back to the house and then left at 11:30 a.m. to get Ronda's uncle at the airport. The moto was still in our garage. At 12:30, Rebekah and I came back to the house. I even pulled the van up into the garage so that it would be in the shade and so that it blocked the moto some.
Sometime between 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., someone got into our courtyard and stole the
moto. It was locked, in gear and had the van up close to it. So, they had to break it out of lockedness, back it out or pick it up, maneuver it around the van, get it out of the courtyard and shut the sliding metal gate; all without being seen or heard. What really annoys me is that Rebekah and I were both in the house the entire time.

Two days later, I got locked in our gate. The smaller lock was not working right and we could not get it to open. Rebekah needed to go to language class and being the obedient daughter that she is, she locked the other lock on the outside. I faced a lock that would not open and the other side of the gate was locked with a lock I couldn't reach. I tried for 20 minutes in the pouring rain to get something to work. Finally, I texted my language teacher and told him I would not be at class. Later, Rebekah showed me how to reach the lock even though it's on the other side of the gate.