Boring News - Please Don't Read This!!!!
-the picture is of the Aggies here in late May->> We, that's Ronda and I only as all our kids are back in the states, went to Vietnam for a few days to celebrate my birthday. With it being summer time, you know we had to travel some or we wouldn't know what to do. It was fantastic!! The bus ride over was $12 each. It only costs $11 to come back. I guess fewer people want to come to Cambodia.
I taught all day, every day on the Resurrection from July 7-11. If I say so myself, the class was excellent. July13th, Jon and Amber (Larson) White arrived. Ronda picked them up at the airport as I was teaching bible class. It was a thrill to have them here. They took a couple of days and went up to Angkor Wat. They got a great deal on a wonderful hotel because it is the non-peak season (too hot & rainy for most tourists). They were back here for another day before they had to leave. It was a good week.
We (the students and I) were due to have an evangelism week out in the villages this past week. But, the national election is July 27th. Therefore, the police are dispersing any non-regular groups that try to meet. That is 180 degrees from American thought. But, our week would probably have consisted of driving to a place, trying to meet and then be forced to leave. So, we postponed that until early August.
And, I had another stop by the police today. This one occured in the van. Apparently, I made an illegal left turn ( the sign is there, but is 100% covered by a tree.) The police stationed 3 blocks away are the ones who stopped me. The particular officer I had was annoyed that I wouldn't start the van and turn on the air conditioner while we talked. I told him he could roll down his window like I did. He was also irritated that I didn't have my original driver's liscense, just a laminated copy. (If you have the original, they can keep it and "blackmail" you into paying to get it back.) Anyway, he asked me for $20 in order to not have to take me to the police station. I laughed and offered 2,000 riel (fidda-cents). When he left me, 30 minutes later, he kept the copy of my driver's liscense.
We have had the most refreshing summer we've had in a long time. It's so unusual to not be rushing from one thing to the next. Know we love you and think of you often. (Unless you're a stranger reading this. In that case, we don't really think of you very much.) -- rich
Tell the misses hello. We had Acappella at Crosstown last night and it was a hit. We did a Neighborhood Festival prior to the concert and it was really good.
I heard you sent a "video gram" for the Tulsa Work Camp. I didn't get to see it, but I'm sure it was good. Drop me a line when you're able or I hope we can hookup on a video cam. I do it with Dustin all the time. He'll be a dad in October.
Later, Wayne!