
Showing posts from October, 2008

Kim Binkley is headed back to the US

We really enjoyed Kim's visit - it was just too short. Rich leaves for the US tomorrow for several weeks. Another exciting thing, yesterday, Veashna (one of our students) and his wife, Lynna, had their first baby. His name is Timothy. I haven't seen him yet but will certainly forward pictures when I do. Rich is wrapping up Church Growth class in the mornings. He taught Song of Solomon yesterday afternoon and said that the students had no problem getting sleepy! For those of you who sent gifts with Kim...THANKS!!!!! It is all so much appreciated! I will put the magazines and popcorn to good use while Rich is gone and I get some quiet time. For those of you who will see Rich, please don't spoil him too much and tell him too much how great he is. I have to live with him when he gets back, so don't make his head too big!! Ha! Know that we love you all! Ronda

I has been awhile since I blogged.

I can't believe it has been 2 weeks since I blogged last. Time flies! The first picture is Mark Hooper and Rich. Mark was here for about 10 days to teach in the preaching school. We enjoyed getting to know him. He is a Longhorn fan, like Rich, so they hit it off quite well! We look forward to getting to know him better in the future. On Friday, Nov. 3rd, we had the students, members of both the Phnom Penh church and the Partners In Progress church over for a singing. Then on Saturday, the 4th, there was a party/fellowship at Partners In Progress. Everyone seemed to enjoy getting to know each other, playing games, eating, etc. We hope to do more of these in the future. The last 2 pictures is of the group that was at the party. At this moment, Rich is teaching at the school and I am waiting for a few more minutes before going to pick up Kim Binkley at the airport. She will be here for a week. Several things are going to be happening: Kim gets in today, Veashna (one of our...

Back to routine.

We are back to our routine now. Rich is teaching Church growth in the mornings until noon, then comes home for lunch and rest and leave at 1:30 to go back to the school to teach Job/Prov/Ecclesiates. He gets done there at 3:30 and heads to language school for his class from 4-5pm. He gets home in time to eat dinner and study for tomorrow. In language school now, we are using different teachers (I go to class at 3pm) but we are both starting to study the book of John. You have no idea how nice it is in English that we use the same words for everyone. Here, God, Jesus, HS, gods, royalty to things on a little higher plain than the rest of us folks, so they use different words. For example: the regular word for 'to come' is 'mok' but when God comes it is ýeeang'. The regular word for 'to give' is ówie' but for God it is 'brahdteean'. And so studying the Bible makes you feel like you don't know any vocabulary since so much of it is differ...

Cute kids at Engagement party

The first picture is of Sokphea's, the future groom, little brothers. Sokphea is the oldest of 6. I don't know who the others are, but thought they were cute. Mark Hooper left this morning headed to Singapore. We were grateful to have him teaching at the school for a week. The students seems to really enjoy him. I think I mentioned before that school is out this week. Rich will start teaching both the morning and afternoon classes on Monday, the 6th. Also, on the 6th, we will start back at language school. And on top of some conversation, we will be getting some Bible, by going through the book of John. So between teaching all day until 3:30 and then heading straight to language school for an hour, Rich will be used up! Pray for him to have the endurance and patience on both fronts. Much love to all of you. Ronda